One of the best ways to support new health club member’s is via gym floor interactions. The trouble with this is that it can be hard to get your gym instructors to effectively interact and strike up a conversion.
One way to make gym floor interaction easier is through a method we call spot surveys. This is where you have your team go out on the gym floor and quickly run a spot survey with random members. The content of the survey can be up to you but the shorter the better. We want to just take up 30 seconds of a member’s time to get some feedback and interaction.
An example might be….
Start by saying, Hi, we’re just doing some quick surveys of members, they take about 30 seconds. Do you mind if I ask you two quick questions?
An example of some of the questions you might ask is……
Have you felt any improvement in your perceived health and well-being since joining the gym? Yes or no.
What have you most enjoyed about joining the gym?
This allows you to gather some data but it also can open up a dialogue. If a member wants to talk more they can talk more and give you more information.
They might bring up some challenges they’re having that you can help solve or your team can help solve.
So spot surveys are a great little way not only collect data but to give an excuse to open up some interaction and dialogue with your members.
Finally, you may wish to record these interactions using a health club customer relationship management software such as FitDesk.