To maximize the growth of your swim school in 2018, it is important to ensure your productivity remains high throughout the year.
To help we have compiled a quick list of habits that can maximize your output in 2018.
- Work Smart
- Hours of work does not always equals productivity, working smart allows you to finish a week’s worth of work in 30 minutes. Our tip have a to-do list and stick to it, having a list of various tasks with deadlines keeps you away from distraction.
- Lessen The Use Of Your Mobile Phone
- Simply avoiding to pick up your phone won’t work often times it leads to your thoughts wandering every time it buzzes. Instead turn it off or keep it away from your sight to avoid the temptation of picking it up.
- Vent
- Keeping all your frustrations to yourself will only lead to mental fatigue. Instead find someone, a colleague or a friend to share your frustrations to find a solution what’s stressing you.
- Workout
- Research shows that exercises improves brain function related to memory and processing. Working out does not only improve your health but increases your productivity. Running daily for 20 minutes will increase your problem solving capabilities and will allow you to do tasks more efficiently.
- Sleep Early
- Sleeping early allows you more hours of sleep and you can wake up in the morning fresh and ready for a day’s work. Getting up early allows you room for more like a healthy breakfast, hitting the gym or reading a book. You will be able to bring this energy throughout the day.
- Taking Regular Breaks
- Regular short-breaks allows you to relax your mind in between those long working hours. By doing so you are dividing your day into smaller tasks that will increase your output and productivity.