Swim schools can be hectic work environments.
Managing thousands of students can take a lot of work which sometimes means important tasks get pushed to the side.
Important tasks like working on improving your customer experience, implementing more effective processes and customer acquisition efforts can often be delayed because there is just so much else to do in managing the day to day operations.
It’s important to spend time working on the business rather than working in the business.
But how do you find the time to work on the business?
The key is eliminating time-consuming tasks, one by one.
For example, before working with us, a lot of our clients were spending half a day each month (in some cases much more) to conduct reporting around non-progression (stagnating students).
By implementing SwimDesk, our clients were able to reduce the time investment for this process from 4 + hours to less than 1 hour. This equates to great time savings each month which can be re-invested in more proactive activities.
By doing the same in several other areas our clients can save between 10 and 20 hours in effort each month.
One of the big time savers we offer our clients is through our smart automation functionality.
What is smart automation?
Smart automation is essentially the automation of complex business processes.
For example, if a student has missed 3 lessons in a row, this is typically concerning and may result in drop out. Therefore a lot of swim schools will contact parents whose children have consecutive absences. When done manually this process could take considerable time. However, by using smart automation an email or SMS can be automatically sent to a parent whose child has missed a specific number of lessons in a row.
Other examples of smart automation include new customer onboarding communications and member follow up.
By leveraging smart automation your swim school can eliminate time-consuming tasks and allow you to spend more time working on even more business improvements.
or call 1300 181 665