Your swim schools parent portal doesn’t only serve the purpose of providing feedback on progression. It can also be used to store important resources that parents can access and consume on demand when required.
Here are some resources to consider including in your parent portal to help educate parents about your swim school program.
- Progression chart
- A progression chart explains the flow of levels in your swim school program. This helps a parent when their child passes a level to understand the next level their child will be in.
- Sitemap
- A site map helps parents find the pool areas where their child’s lesson will take place. A sitemap typically includes all of your aquatic spaces and a clear coding system that can make it easier for parents to find their child’s lesson.
- Yearly calendar
- A yearly calendar outlines all key dates for the year including term breaks, debit dates and special events. Including this in your parent portal can help parents help themselves and reduce the burden on reception and pool deck staff.
- Deck Supervisor bios
- Deck supervisors are typically key contacts for parents in a swim school. They can help answer questions and provide a higher level of feedback about a child. By including a bio with some pictures of your deck supervisor staff you can help parents more easily identify their on deck contact points.
- Frequently Asked Questions
- When a parent first joins a swim school they will likely have many questions. For example, when will my child be assessed? or what happens when my child passes their level? Often these common questions suck up the time of your deck supervisors leaving less time for assessing students and managing progression. A frequently asked questions document can help cover these common questions for parents and greatly reduce the workout of deck supervisors.