We live in a different world with gyms across Australia and New Zealand shutting their doors over 1 month ago.
Over last month we have seen centres quickly adapt to try and engage their members and community.
Many gyms have been sharing video content on social media and streaming classes on Facebook live.
These are all awesome and something we will likely see more of once things return to normal, however, they are missing an element that is critical to so many gyms – Human to Human connection and personalisation.
This is difficult in the current situation however that doesn’t mean you cannot incorporate some more direct connection and personalisation in your shut down strategy.
A number of our clients have been using our FitDesk platform to engage members on a more personalised level.
We have even seen centres doing phone and Zoom based appointments to provide members with a greater level of connection and personalisation.
In fact, we have had several clients reach out to see if we can add new elements to their fitness assessment protocols including questions like “what equipment do you have available at home?”
This is allowing them to tailor specific at home programs for their members.
What’s great about this approach is that it brings in a more human to human element even though it’s not face to face. It also ensures that a member is getting a home exercise plan that is tailored to their needs and situation at home.
Here is a simple step by step process of how to engage your members in a more personalised way during the shutdown using our FitDesk platform.
- Step – Send a personal email to your active members offering help
- You can do this using the bulk messaging feature. The key is to keep it short and conversational.
Hi John,
How are you going in these different times?
We are working hard to maintain our member’s fitness from home during this time.
To do this we have introduced some phone or online based appointments.
In these appointments, we work with you to understand your home environment including any home equipment you may have access to and develop an at-home training program specifically for you.
If you would be interested in a phone appointment just reply to this email and we will be in touch!
Warm regards
- Step – Book in phone appointments using the FitDesk calendar
- Book any appointments into the FitDesk calendar. You can maintain email appointment confirmations and SMS reminders as per normal. You may even adjust the appointment confirmations based on the “phone appointment” appointment type which can provide different details about how the phone appointments work.
- Step – Record available equipment at home
- Using the FitDesk fitness consultation feature you can record important information about the member including their goals, training preferences, and exercise capabilities. If they are an existing member you can review their file and update this information.
You can also record equipment they have available at home such as a medicine ball or dumbbells. If you use FitDesk and would like us to add a question about the equipment the member has available at home please contact our support team.
- Step – Create a personalised home workout/weekly plan via FitDesk.
- By leveraging technology like FitDesk and other platforms like Zoom and Skype you can help maintain the connection with your members that will only help you bounce back when the shutdown is over.