Competition in the fitness industry is at an all-time high.
This growing competition is making it harder and harder for health clubs to grow their customer base and remain profitable.
Despite what some may say, member retention can be improved.
It may not be easy but with the right strategy and an unwavering commitment to continually improve retention processes, your club will start to see improvements.
We typically see three scenarios when it comes to health clubs and their knowledge of member retention.
1. The health club management has no idea about member retention strategy so don’t know where to start
2. The health club management has a good knowledge about member retention strategies, however, struggle with formulating a clear process for implementation is resulting in less than desirable results
3. The club management knows the retention strategy and does a great job at implementing a well-planned retention process.
The most common scenario we see is number 2. Most health club managements have a really good understanding of member retention strategies and theories, however, struggle with the implementation side of member retention strategy.
Without correct implementation, the best member retention strategy in the world becomes compromised as
the key fundamentals are not applied consistently and producing inconsistent results.
We anticipate that group 2 makes up 80% of health club managers.
The other 20% is split between group 1 and 3.
Around 10% have no clue and the other 10% are member retention masters. These are the small groups in the industry that consistently produce outstanding member retention results.
To help emulate the successful practices of these leading clubs, we have put together a checklist of member retention strategies, tactics and principles that are modelled off the best practices from many of these leading health clubs.
A total of 33 items are listed that cover 5 key areas of member retention mastery.
We hope you find this a useful resource for your health club!